Bystander Intervention: Directly Intervening

Do not be afraid to speak out and help just because no one else is doing anything.

Do what you can to bring the individual as far away as possible from the perpetrator.


Here are some ways you can help by pretending to know the individual:

active bystander

“Hey , I’m pretty hungry. Want to go grab a bite together?”

active bystander

“I’ve been looking for you all night! Can I steal you away? I have something important to tell you. “

active bystander

“Hello! I’m lost and I need your help. Could you bring me to the nearest washroom?”

active bystander

“Hi! I found your student pass and handed it over to campus security. Would you like me to accompany you to retrieve it now?”



If you would like to be more direct, you can approach the victim and say:

active bystander

“Is this person bothering you?”

active bystander

“I saw what happened. Would you like to leave now?”

active bystander

“Would you like me to stay with you?”

active bystander

“Who came here with you? Are your friends around?”



Or if you are comfortable with it, approach the alleged perpetrator and say:

active bystander


Stop doing that, that’s not right.


If these options are too confrontational and you are not confident of carrying them out,

click the link below to find out what else you can do!
