Bystander Intervention: Scenario I

Bystander Intervention Scenario 1

You are at a party with your friends and left the group to go to the washroom. As you were walking back to your friends, you saw a woman and a man standing close to each other and noticed that the woman looked uncomfortable.


What would you choose to do?

Pretend to be the woman’s friend, approach her and try to bring her away from the situation.

Option 1

You: Hey, there you are! Our friends are over there, let’s go!

Good job! When you witness a person looking uncomfortable, being harassed or threatened, you can help by distracting or inserting yourself into the interaction to help the person to get out of a potentially bad situation.

Remember preventing sexual harassment is everybody’s responsibility.


I might have read her expression wrongly. What if she doesn’t need my help? I should walk away and not be a busybody.

Option 2

You take one last glance at them before deciding to walk away and joining your friends. A few moments later you hear a commotion and realize that the man had tried to grope the woman as she tried to struggle away.

Oh no... while we may hesitate out of a fear of making mistakes at times. It is important that we learn to overcome that fear and learn to trust our instincts, instead of letting it stop us from helping someone in need. Remember, even if there was an error in your judgement of the situation, you can always just apologize and move on.