Consent: Scenario III

Consent Scenario 3

It's movie date night! 


You: Hey Maisie! Shall we watch The Avengers together?
Masie: Sure, that sounds good! Let's turn it on! 

Consent Scenario 3

Halfway through the movie, you notice that Maisie started yawning...


Masie: Hey... I'm gonna stop watching k? Sorry but I'm really tired.. Think I’m too worn out from work. Can we do this another day?


How would you respond?

Okay sure, I understand since you're really tired. We can do this another time!

Option 1

You made the right decision by respecting Maisie's decision when she changed her mind!

Consent means we should accord each other mutual respect. Remember, anyone can change their mind at any time about what they feel like doing and it is important that we get their consent for every activity at every stage. Similarly, in a relationship, even if your partner gives consent to sex at one point in time, they can change their mind later and it is important to respect their decision if they do.

Proceed to Scenario IV

But you said you’d to watch it! I don't care, you're staying with me until the movie finishes.

Option 2

Oh no... you got upset at Masie for changing her mind.

Remember, a person could give consent for an activity at one point, but still be allowed to change their mind later. In this case, we should respect Masie's decision to stop watching the movie since she was too tired to continue with it.