Flirting vs Harassment: Scenario I

Flirting Or Harassment Scenario 1

You have been tasked to work with Lisa on a project, and Lisa is the group leader. You are interested in her but it is your last lesson and you are not going to see her after this, so you thought you should try flirting with her. 


You: You look cute in your outfit! *winks*

Lisa glances at you and then looks away. She did not respond otherwise.

Do you try to continue speaking to her?

Yes, I will try again

You: Your dress today really compliments your legs!

Lisa looks at you again then shifts away uncomfortably. She does not respond.


Remember, it is not flirting if you are overly persistent and your attention is unwanted by the receiving party. In these situations your actions may be harassment. 

If you feel you are being harassed by someone, remember that you are not alone. It is encouraged that you seek help or advice if you encounter or know of someone in this situation. If you wish to speak to someone in the University, you may get in touch with us at or find out more information at

No, I think she's not interested and continuing will make her more uncomfortable

Great Job! You have done the right thing by respecting her wishes. Continuing to press on despite her discomfort could turn your attempts at flirting into harassment. 

If you feel you are being harassed by someone, remember that you are not alone. It is encouraged that you seek help or advice if you encounter or know of someone in this situation. If you wish to speak to someone in the University, you may get in touch with us at or find out more information at
