Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships: Giving Support

How can I help

How do I support a friend who has disclosed being in an unhealthy relationship?

Listen to Understand

Listen to Understand.

Be there for your friend and give them your undivided attention. Seek to understand what is happening and what they are feeling.



Believe what your friend is telling you. It takes a lot of strength and courage to come forward.

Do not judge

Do not judge

Be careful not to make judgements about the situation they are in or the decisions they have made so far

Be supportive

Be supportive

Support their feelings as well as their decision to share them with you. Acknowledge it would have been difficult for them to do so.

Tell the victim that the abuse is not their fault

Tell the victim that the abuse is not their fault

It is not uncommon for survivors to feel they have done something wrong. Continue to remind them that the abuser is the one at fault

Provide resource information

Provide resource information

Encourage them to approach trusted family, friends, or professionals (within or outside of SMU) for help. Offer to accompany them for an appointment if necessary

Protect their privacy

Protect their privacy

Except for informing another adult or professional to get support for your friend, and  particularly if the victim is in danger, remember it is not your place to tell others about the abuse

Helping a friend


You need to respect your friend’s decision and let them handle the situation at their own pace.
You have to understand that it can be very difficult to break out of an abusive relationship due to various different reasons, and many individuals can end up trapped in a cycle of violence.
Do not feel responsible to end the situation as it is still your friend’s relationship and he/she will have to make the final decision by him/herself.
Unhealthy relationship


Approach a trusted family member, friend or professional for help. Make an appointment with Voices@SMU by emailing if you wish to talk to someone about viable options.

