Online Harassment: Types of Online Sexual Harassment

Online sexual harassment can be direct, e.g. sending unwanted sexual text messages, or indirect, e.g. posting sexual content about someone else on social media platforms. 

Below are some common examples of how online sexual harassment can be carried out. :



Posting of video or photo materials

Non-consensual sharing of intimate, sexual or suggestive photos or videos

Taking and sharing sexual videos or photos of an individual without their consent (eg. taking upskirt photos) 

Posting without the consent of the individual, sexual videos or photos, even if they had consented to taking them (eg. revenge porn)

Recording non-consensual sexual acts and/ or sharing the content

Sexualized Bullying

Body shaming, bullying, name calling or using offensive or discriminatory language based on an individual’s perceived gender or sexual orientation

‘Outing’ someone’s gender identity or sexual orientation online without their consent

Sharing the personal information of an individual without their consent with malicious intent, such as in the case of doxing or online impersonation

Spreading lies, rumors, or gossip about an individual’s sexual life by either directly naming them or alluding to them

Unwanted sexualization

Making sexualized comments and inappropriate jokes on someone’s social media posts or to their private accounts

Making sexual advances or requesting for sexual favors online

Sending someone sexual content without their consent in the form of videos, pictures, emojis, and texts etc.

Altering, without consent, the pictures or videos of an individual to sexualize them, or editing their images into sexualised pictures or videos

Creating polls to rate others on their levels of attractiveness or perceived sexual abilities 

Exploitation, coercion and threats

Using an online platform to pressure or intimidate an individual to share sexual content of themselves, engage in sexual activity with yourself or other individuals online, offline, or both and/ or publishing that content online without their consent

Encouraging, inciting, threatening or pressurizing others to commit sexual violence, assault or harassment

Making threats to sexually violate, assault or harm an individual

Threatening to post sexual or compromising content online to intimidate, force, or blackmail an individual