Saying No: Scenario III


A stranger tries to engage you in conversation while you are out at a club with friends.



You feel uncomfortable but also pressured to respond because he is very persistent.


You want to find a way to leave or get help. How would you respond?


How would you respond?

Say no and walk away

Again, you have the right to make your stand clear if you feel uncomfortable in any situation.

If you need to, find a way to leave the scene and go somewhere safe.

Make an excuse to avoid the situation

If there is a reason you do not feel safe rejecting someone's advances outright, you could choose to tell a white lie that might help you get out of that situation instead.

For example, you could excuse yourself by saying that you need to get back to your friends who are expecting you by the bar. Sometimes a suggestion that you are not alone might make someone back down.

Look for your friends or someone you can trust and stay close to them.

If someone continues to pester you, remember to try and stay close to people you can trust. It is always good to involve more people so you get support in uncomfortable situations and take the attention off you. Remember that there is safety in numbers.






What is consent?







You have the right to say no or do what you need to keep yourself safe in uncomfortable or dangerous situations.

NO means NO!


Whether it is a stranger, acquaintance, or someone you might have gone out with, here are some tips to keep in mind when saying no.

Set boundaries and stand by them

Be clear and firm

Tell a white lie if you need to

Remember you can say no at any time

Do not delay saying no if you are uncomfortable with something

Do not be afraid to have to say no more than once

You do not need to justify or explain why you are saying no