Consent: Scenario I

Consent scene 1

Marcus has been planning to get a tattoo for some time…



Marcus: Hey Cynthia! Remember I told you I wanted to get a tattoo? Here's the design I was thinking of getting on my arm!

Cynthia: Cool, that's really nice!

consent scene 1.1

Marcus: It'll be really great if you could help me with getting the tattoo sometime!

Cynthia: Sure of course. Just tell me when!

consent scene 1.2

Cynthia: Oh, Marcus fell asleep while we were watching TV. I was going to ask if he wanted to get the tattoo done now.

Hmm... he did mention that he wanted to get the tattoo earlier and he wanted my help with it...

What will you do if you were Cynthia?

Yes. Tattoo his arm since he said he wanted it before.

option 1

Oh no…

Consent should not be assumed if the other party is unconscious. In this case, Marcus is asleep and unable to make a decision for himself at that point of time.

No. Do not tattoo his arm as he is currently unconscious.

option 2

You made the right decision!

You acknowledged that Marcus’s unconscious state meant that he is unaware of what is happening and incapable of giving consent at that point of time. You should check with Marcus again once he is awake before proceeding to tattoo him.

Consent has to be given under the right conditions. Consent cannot be given when a person is unconscious and unable to make a decision at that point in time. This also applies when it comes to sexual activity in a relationship. 

Proceed to Scenario II