Consent: Scenario II

Consent scene 2

Your laptop broke down last week and is undergoing repairs...


Me: Oh no, I forgot I need a laptop for tomorrow's presentation! Wait... Judie gave me permission to borrow her laptop last week. Maybe I could get it from her again?

Consent Scenario 2

Last Week...


Me: Hey Judie! Thanks for lending me your laptop, you're a lifesaver!

Judie: Sure thing! Happy to help!

Consent Scenario 2



You: Hm...she was so nice about it the last time. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I borrow it again right? Should I just head over to her place to get her laptop now?


How would you respond?

Head over to get her laptop since she said you had permission to borrow it last week.


Judie: Hey! What are you doing at my house? You can't just show up uninvited and what are you doing with my laptop?!
You: You said I could borrow it last week so I thought it would be ok for me to take it again!

Oh no...

Just because Julie gave you consent last week, doesn't mean she is agreeing to it again. Remember, having consent today does not mean having consent all the time.

Call Judie and get her permission before heading down.

Option 2

You: Hey Judie! May I borrow your laptop again? My laptop is still undergoing repairs and I need one urgently for my presentation tomorrow.
Judie: Yes sure, go ahead! I don't need to use it tomorrow anyway.

Good Job, you made the right decision! 

Remember, you have to be active in asking for consent. Having consent previously does not mean that you still have someone’s permission at a later date.
Similarly, when in a relationship, make sure you still have the person’s consent before proceeding with anything.

Proceed to Scenario III