Saying No: Scenario I

scene 1

You were asked to go on a date with someone who is interested in you.

However, you barely know each other and do not feel comfortable spending time together alone yet. 



How could you respond?

I'm flattered that you asked, but sorry I’m not interested.

If the suggestion is not something you are open to, remember that you have the right to reject it.

Remember to be polite, but clear and firm in your response. Even if the other party does not respond well, it is important to stick to your boundaries

Sorry, but I think it would be better if we could get to know each other more before spending time together alone.

If you are open to exploring the idea but not yet comfortable with what is being suggested, remember you are not obligated to agree to anything immediately. 

In this case, you can choose to postpone the date to a more suitable time where you feel safe and comfortable to proceed.

I think you're great, but it might be too soon to spend time alone. Is it alright if we hang out with friends first?

Another way to give yourself more time to assess your comfort level in spending one-on-one time with someone is to start with group activities first. Be clear in your response about your intentions for suggesting a group activity. You can always decide whether to agree to a date at a later time.