Policy and Procedures
Know Right from Wrong.
Every member of the SMU community has the right and entitlement to feel safe, secure and respected.
SMU takes a zero-tolerance stand when it comes cases involving discrimination, harassment or sexual misconduct - on or off campus. As such, the university has established a thorough and systematic disciplinary code of conduct against students (Accused Party/Parties) alleged to have committed such acts on another person.
You can access the SMU Code of Student Conduct and the SMU Student Disciplinary Code here.
The procedures outlined in the SMU Student Disciplinary Code relate specifically to incidents which have occurred during the Accused Party’s/Parties’ course of study at SMU, and in which the Accused Party/Parties is a current SMU student. The SMU Student Disciplinary Code further outlines the rights of the Reporting Party to make official reports and recommended punishments on the Accused Party/Parties.